How does it work?

We deliver training to organisations, equipping them with skills to prioritise mental health and wellbeing for their teams and individuals. It is essential for employers to promote mental health and wellbeing, not only for productivity but also to challenge stigma and discrimination. This can be achieved by raising awareness and improving access to mental health support services.

Our consultants help organisations establish wellbeing and mental health policies, offering best-practice strategies and HR solutions. We provide expert speakers for engaging mental health conversations, whether at national conferences or focused workshops.

Who is it for?

Our services cater to all employers and employees. Stress, anxiety, and depression contribute significantly to sickness absence, costing employers billions annually. Investing in employee mental health and wellbeing yields a remarkable return on investment.

Although 84% of managers acknowledge responsibility for employee wellbeing, only 24% have received training in managing mental health issues. Our research-based courses will make a lasting difference, equipping your team with knowledge and confidence.

Join us in creating mentally healthy workplaces. Contact us today.

A healthy workplace is one where employees and managers work together to protect and promote their health, safety and wellbeing and the sustainability of the Business.

World Health Organisation

staff who have positive mental health are more productive and businesses who promote a progressive approach to mental health can see a significant impact on business performance.

Dr Justin Varney,
National Lead for Adult Health and Wellbeing, Public Health England.

How can we help?

See below for details on the training that we offer. To enquire about availability and to book, please contact us directly. 

ASIST Training

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is a two-day interactive workshop in suicide First Aid. ASIST teaches participants to recognise when someone may have thoughts of suicide and work with them to create a plan that will support their immediate safety.

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Mental Health First Aid Two Day Course

This two-day course qualifies you as a Mental Health First Aider, giving you an in-depth understanding of mental health and the factors that can affect wellbeing.

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Mental Health First Aid One Day Course

This one-day course qualifies you as an MHFA Champion, giving you an understanding of common mental health issues.  

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Mental Health First Aid Half Day Course

This is an introductory four-hour session which raises awareness of mental health.

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Mental Health First Aid Refresher

Update knowledge of mental health and what influences it. Practice applying the Mental Health First Aid action plan.

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Leaders & Line Managers Mental Health and Wellbeing Workshop

A four-hour interactive workshop for groups of between 8-12 attendees, offering leaders and line managers the skills and confidence to spot and manage mental health problems within their teams. It provides an opportunity to bring live situations to a forum discussion.

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Stress & Wellbeing Workshop

In-depth look into mental health and wellbeing in the workplace. Also covering how to recognise signs and symptoms of stress, what it means to you and promoting wellbeing.

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Critical Conversations Workshop

We provide workshops and support to those interested in learning more about having important discussions in the workplace, especially those that some may find difficult such as race and racism.

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Wellbeing & Mental Health Workshop

Discussing looking after your mental health and maintaining wellbeing in the workplace. Managing burnout and how to promote a positive work-life balance. How to spot the signs that somebody may not be okay, and where we can go for support.

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Money in Mind Workshop

In-depth look into the relationship between mental health and money, linking our moods to spending patterns, and other challenges we face associated with money.

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Upskill People: E-learning Training Resources

We shared our expertise with Upskill People to create accessible, bite-sized online training resources that can be completed remotely.

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Consultancy & Bespoke Training

We offer a range of consultancy support as well as engaging with organisation to promote best practice.

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Trauma-Informed Practice

We offer half-day courses for organisations to promote trauma-informed practice.

Trauma Informed Practice Training

Knowledge and skills training for all workers who may come into contact with those affected by trauma. Will equip the participants with a basic knowledge of trauma, its effects, the kinds of situations that can bring back memories of the trauma and associated feelings and how these can impact behaviour.

Participants will be supported to understand ways they can adapt their own practice and procedures to reduce risk of activating trauma related distress and increase the availability of care and support for those affected by trauma.

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Did you know?

When you partner with us, you are directly contributing to the success and sustainability of our charity and our mental health community projects.

Interested to know more about how we support Mental Health within our community? Follow the link.

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