What is it?

Haringey Reach and Connect is a support service for individuals aged 50 years and above in Haringey, providing them with information, guidance and support. 

Our Mission is to ensure a fulfilling and positive life experience for the senior community in Haringey; reducing isolation, loneliness and inequality. We work hard towards creating an environment where all individuals are treated equally and with respect, celebrating diversity and equal opportunities across the entire community.

Who is it for?

The service is available for all Haringey residents aged 50 yrs and over, delivered in person*, email or telephone by a team of Community Connectors. In addition to the basic support that we provide to the community, brief interventions are offered over a two week period to help people manage, and move through the initial impact of significant life events. 

*At the moment due to Covid-19 we are unable to provide in-person support. This will reassume as per national guidelines.

The aim of this short-term intensive support is to help people to manage acute issues that commonly lead to homelessness, hospitalisation (or re-admission), depression or escalation in social care; events such as a long-term illness, bereavement or financial crisis.

How does it help?

The service is delivered by a team of Community Connectors in Haringey who gather and share information about local opportunities, non-service based activities and support for the senior community. Connectors actively seek to provide the service to all older people at risk of social isolation, and in particular LGBTQI+, disabled, BAME and socio-economically disadvantaged groups.

Connecting and supporting service users helps them remain confident and independent in their everyday lives. We are also offering regular Telephone Friendship calls via our team of Volunteers during Covid-19 lockdown period.

Partners and Funders